Friday, January 16, 2009


erin232 said...

I love the painting of your dad! I think it looks incredibly realistic and I love all the values in the painting. For example, the wrinkles in the clothing, all the different values in his face, and the background. I think the focal point is definitely your dad. I love all the colors in the painting and in the background. I also like the different values in the background, like the yellow. I also like how you can see some of the lines in the background. Overall I think this is a very successful painting and I don't have any suggestions.
Great job!

Chandler said...

I love your distinct style!! And it really shows in this piece--which is DEF your best that i've seen of yours. The form of your dad's features and the wrinkles in the shirt are fabulous! I like the movement in the background but feel it could be improved. Just by smoothing it all out a bit. Other than that, don't change a thing! Its really nice--QUALITY piece!! :)
~Chandler Wood

sharon said...

This is one of your strongest pieces and I think your an amazing painter and didn't even know it. I like where the eyes are looking-that they are not straight forward. The colors are very warm and smooth. I don't think you should do anything to it. I love it! You did a great job making the skin look alive and living and not flat to the canvas. You have a defiant style and is very recognizable. I can always tell which piece is your work. which is an awesome thing to have!


sharon said...

This is one of your strongest pieces and I think your an amazing painter and didn't even know it. I like where the eyes are looking-that they are not straight forward. The colors are very warm and smooth. I don't think you should do anything to it. I love it! You did a great job making the skin look alive and living and not flat to the canvas. You have a defiant style and is very recognizable. I can always tell which piece is your work. which is an awesome thing to have!


Wood said...

Clearly your best piece; Chandler said it and I agree completely that it really shows off your personal style. I'd say the focal point is that one shine spot on your dads chin, and the mixture and blending of colors throughout the piece works perfectly. I don't know if you can see it here but my favorite part is the little spot of red in the skin tone for some extra value. Nothing to fix, amazing piece.

BurnsStephen said...

Great piece, shamaz...bravo! It is currently hanging next to my portrait and puts it to shame. the skin tone is really lively and it just makes the figure pop. Great contrast with the background...i'll disagree with wood and say that the focal point is probably the killer mustache/goatee combo. this is going to sound strange, but i think this is a huge distinguishing factor because no one else did a figure with facial hair. not only that, but you did a spectacular job on making the hair form with the face. one of my favorite pieces for sure.

Elizabeth said...

I have to agree with everyone, this is a fantastic piece. The way that the folds in his shirt are shaded really gives it depth. His face looks great as well. I love how unique your painting style is. This is a great painting and there's nothing to fix.